Educational project

Complete educational programs at the private school in Naples

"Educating means increasing the number of possible opportunities". (Von Foerster)

The Notre Dame de la Compassion Institute, based in Naples, in the Vomero district, focuses its attention on a system of educational opportunities that can help students to form their own identity on a sociological and psycho-pedagogical level, assume behaviors inspired by the ethics of responsibility, express the work not only as an enhancement of themselves but also as an exercise in planning, developing strategic skills and strengthening the sense of reality.
Ambitious goals that can only be profitably achieved in a healthy and attentive environment.

The private school aims at the educational success of its students through new knowledge, languages, contents and methodologies that allow to recognise and enhance the cultural growth and potential of each, focusing on the innovative method of the Reggio Emilia Approach.
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School and extracurricular workshops
Pedagogical projects according to the Reggio Emilia Approach
Language courses on site
Kindergarten and primary school
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Reggio Emilia Approach

The Reggio Emilia Approach is a pedagogical philosophy developed by Loris Malaguzzi, based on the image of a child with strong potential and a subject of rights, able to learn and grow by relating with others.

This educational philosophy focuses on the importance of the different languages of the human being, according to which each child can develop their specific skills, with different materials and in different environments.
This system makes it possible to keep the student active in all his mental, manual and emotional abilities, constantly confronting himself with different languages and points of view.

Listening and relationships to grow as individuals

The private school Notre Dame de la Compassion strongly believes in the values of the Reggio Emilia Approach as a tool to increase individual knowledge but also the ability to relate with the world.

The state-recognised private primary school, kindergarten and primary school based in Naples, in fact, focuses on a pedagogical concept on several levels, which provides:
  • a relational pedagogy, in which educators plan moments of group work, because it is precisely on the relationship with others that children can enrich their wealth of knowledge and ideas;
  • a pedagogy of listening and confrontation, important to learn how to know and accept different points of view and use them as starting points for personal development.
  • children playing in the classroom

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Parents' involvement

The staff of the Notre Dame de la Compassion primary school acknowledges the importance of parenting figures, considering them as precious interlocutors of the educational process. 
The participation of parents is a very important moment for the activity of the institution because sharing with them goals and results can increase the value of the proposal and the wealth of knowledge and skills provided to the students.

For this reason, at the end of the school year, the private school of Naples proposes meetings between the teachers and parents for a proactive exchange of knowledge and to allow the participation of the family in the school's activities.

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